Sunday, June 21, 2009

final environment

Prada's interior.

meeting space

Madonna's space with the open roof and the swimming pool underneath.

The interior of Prada' office where the elevator moves.

filefront link


sketchup model
This is the link to the sketchup models in google warehouse

UT environment

meeting space

meeting space (draft)

Prada's space

inspiration by Prada's flower-heels shoe
early draft

The hole being cut on the outside of the wall of Prada's office creates a flower under the light.
i got the idea from Prada's flower-heel shoes. The monumental building holds more power espicially when looking up from the bottom.

On the other hand, there is another flower being 'add' by concete. Those flowers have the same size as well as forms, huge and foreceful.

There is reason to set a large window for Prada' s office. Prada now lives in between the 'added' flower and the 'subtracted'flower. She can either turn off the light of the 'subtracted' flower ,or stare at the 'added' flower which impies that the world is being wateched and controled by her.
In another word,she holds power.

Madonna's space

Madonna's space(draft)

elevator for Prada

elevator for Madonna

dinning table

peer evaluation

36 textures

EXP3 18 2 point perspectives